Thursday, December 9, 2010

Last Name iPhoto

I thought that this project was probably the hardest project so far.  It took me a while to find all of my pictures and create everything else.  It was also the longest out of all the projects as well. Even though it the longest and the hardest it wasn't as hard as i thought it was going to be. It was also a little fun because I was able to find amazing pictures of my letters in my name and also other cool pictures that caught my interest.  I am looking forward to seeing other peoples slide shows and another tech project.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Charity Letter

The charity letter was a little harder than the M&M project but I got through it anyway, and it might not have been as fun but I still had a good time doing it.  In this project I got tot be creative and think and make up my own things.  I like that a lot better than having to look up the real thing.  This one also took a longer time to finish. It wasn't like the first one that only took a day. It wasn't as easy so it was a little more challenging.  I a looking forward to our next project.    

M&M Project

The M&M project was my first project of the year and it was pretty fun.  Even though I did need a little help I thought that I did better than I thought.  After I got started and I thought about what I was supposed to do I knew exactly what to do.  I also helped some people in my group and showed them how to do it.  Even though it was my first project of the year it still helped me learn a little bit more that I didn't know.  I am looking forward to doing more fun projects like this one.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Jake's Blog

Hi,  my name is Jake Brown and I am a freshman.  The first trimester is finally over and I am ready to start the second trimester.  Thanksgiving break was awesome, I spent most the time hanging out with my friends and family.  On Thanksgiving, I was with my family and we ate a lot. It was so much fun.
I love to play football and basketball with my friends, they are my favorite sports.  So far this trimester has gone very well.  I have a lot of friends in my classes and i have good teachers.  I am not very good with computers and I don't know a lot about them.  I am looking forward to learning more about computers and making projects on them.